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Sunday 14 October 2012

Top 10 Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Posted by Unknown on 14:41

Top 10 Remedies for Frizzy Hair

Author: amit shukla
Top 10 Remedies for Frizzy Hair
Are you tired of your frizzy hair? Do you want to know why your hair is so dull and frizzy? If you have to find out how best to control your frizzy hair, you have come to the right place. Do you know that your frizzy hair can be your beauty highlight instead of an embarrassment? Yes, you have read it right! Your frizzy hair can become bright and beautiful instead of dull and flat. Feel free to read it, how.

What is Frizzy Hair?
Frizzy hair is basically dehydrated (loss of water) hair. The hairs become porous and lose its natural ability to hold moisture and become uneven and untamed. In frizzy hair, the cuticle layers are not held tightly together and thus the texture of hair becomes brittle and coarse.

Remedies for Frizzy Hair: Understanding the cause of frizzy hair is very important in finding out what you have to do to treat it correctly. So why is your hair frizzy? It may be because you have inherited curly, wavy, or frizzy hair from your parents i.e., it comes with your genes. Or your hair has become frizzy or poofy because of being exposed to hot sunny weather (humidity) for a long time. It may also be because of too much of blow drying, perming or treating your hair often with chemicals such as alkaline permanents or with hair bleach.

Frizzy hair can be controlled by the following remedies:
  • Try to avoid coloring or perming your hair. Even too much brushing than what is needed for proper blood circulation can lead to split ends as well as to hair damage.
  • Avoid stress and have regular healthy foods containing proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates. Do not skip breakfast and take timely regular sleep. Drink plenty of water to wash out the toxins from your body.
  • Use warm water while shampooing your hair. Warm water opens the hair cuticles and helps to absorb conditioner which goes directly to your hair shaft (root) and treat it by moisturizing. Do not forget to use cool water while rinsing out the conditioner. Ringing with cool water will close your hair cuticles again and will you to prevent more frizz. Do hair conditioning at least once a month to avoid freezy hair.
  • Treat your hair with shampoo containing natural humectants. Humectants are moisturizing agents or lubricants that together with natural oil of hair, held the essential moisture your hair needs badly.
  • Use a good moisturizing conditioner containing vitamin E, Aloe Vera and panthenol after shampooing your hair. Leave it for 3-5 minutes. For best treatment, you may wrap a towel around your hair and leave the conditioner for 15 minutes to get absorbed into your hair cuticles.
  • Do not rub your hair dry with a towel. This will cause more frizz. Instead, after you wrap your hair with a towel, pat the towel lightly so as to help it absorb extra water from your hair and scalp. If you are using blow dryer, use it in downward direction with a big, round brush.
  • When your hair is dry, use a wide- toothed brush to comb your hair. Do not comb your hair while it is still wet. Do finger combing to get rid of your hair tangles.
  • Washing your hair everyday may result in more frizzes. So, avoid it. Let natural oil improve the texture of your hair.
  • Coconut oil massaging is good for your hair and scalp because it increases blood circulation. While applying oil on your hair, do not overdo it. Use as is needed to maintain a healthy look for proper hair growth and health.
  • For adding shine and bounce to your hair, apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to your hair.
Now that you know how to avoid frizzy hair, how about trying the above remedies and see which one acts the best for you? Let us know how you are doing. One thing is for sure, to get beautiful hair for a lifetime you have to take proper care of your hair.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/hair-loss-articles/top-10-remedies-for-frizzy-hair-565716.html
About the Author
To find out more about Amitabh's work and read articles written by him visit Hair Care

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