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Monday 8 October 2012

Exchange student information - before you study abroad Visa tips

Posted by Unknown on 22:09

Exchange student information - before you study abroad Visa tips

Author: abroadlinker
Many issues may arise, before going abroad to study in another country. However, they may be, the questions that can be answered. Questions around the country will be like or how your host family will communicate with you, it is difficult to answer precisely, because you never know until you experience it.

Exchange student information - before you study abroad Visa tips
Questions that can be answered, is more practical. Do you have a passport? Do you know your student visa restrictions? Do you know what you pack your suitcase? This seems trivial questions that your parents are thinking, but you're still wondering what your study abroad experience will be like. This does not mean the information you should avoid or ignore. Your parents are not traveling with you, are they? They are not the ones who are dragging a suitcase around you, right?

It sounds like you should be aware of these practical things!

There are many stories about the exchange students who have previously traveled without their families.

As the Airport exchange program coordinator, I remember the one student who packed his passport checked luggage! The problem that you do not always know if you have your passport checked before you have to claim your luggage. The border control police do not care whether you are with an exchange program or not. If you do not have your passport on your pocket, your laptop backpack, fanny pack), they will not get you into the country.

The student did not realize his mistake until he checked his bags. He could not get a passport without a plane. We asked airport staff if there was a fax machine nearby, which they said "yes." The international terminal was to mail / FedEx type of store. We called students' parents and asked if they had a copy of your passport, they can send us a fax. Sidenote: Parents! Make your child's passport! They had to copy and fax it to them. We had to pay for this service but it is more than 16 years of age a minor can not cross the border. He managed to get into an airplane and in the end, everything worked.

Another student that I saw leaving the same airport that same summer he went to another country, loved his family, made many friends. She had a fantastic time and all the people she was meeting was so excited. If she lived near the border of their country and another country. It was very common in her friends to cross the border and spend long weekends camping in another country. Apparently, the beaches were better there! So her friends invited her to join them on a camping trip. She did not tell his family that she was crossing the border to go camping. She went on a trip, got the wall, it passes through. There was no border patrol to leave their country. Had a great weekend, hanging out on the beach, laughing with friends, eating locally caught fish. When they drove across the border, her passport was investigated. And she had a lot of trouble to go back!

She did not realize that they are not a student visa to leave the country, she learned. One of her friends called her host family and told them about the situation. The host family is called an exchange program. Eventually, she was allowed to return to the country with his passport, saying it violated their visas note. She was very close to being loaded from your study abroad country. Fortunately, the student, that was the end of her troubles.

Student visas and passports are documents that looked at not only the country you are studying abroad, but also the United States. These passports are not they? Having a passport is not right. It may be far away from you as a driver's license.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/travel-tips-articles/exchange-student-information-before-you-study-abroad-visa-tips-5786232.html
About the Author
Abroad Linkers provide Student Visa, Work Visa,Permanent Visa, Tourist Visa to USA, U.K, NewZeland, Australia, Canada, Europe, Singapore very fast.

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