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Monday 8 October 2012

Hiring a Competent Real Estate Attorney

Posted by Unknown on 21:54

Hiring a Competent Real Estate Attorney

Author: Pierson Backes
Hiring a Competent Real Estate Attorney
Hiring a Competent Real Estate Attorney 
You need the services of a competent real estate lawyer for efficient legal representation in your real estate matter. Look to experience and a successful track record in the attorney you chose.

Whether you are seeking a real estate attorney for the purchase or sale of your home, or for complex commercial or land use matters, it is essential that you hire a seasoned attorney to take up your case. The firm you hire should bring experience in all relevant aspects of real estate law, and commitment and diligence to your case.

Even in residential sales, real estate can be a complex area of law, and the representation of an experienced and skilled real estate attorney will help you navigate all aspects of the transaction.

You cannot expect to reach the perfect attorney for your situation simply through an advertisement or the phonebook. In reality, it takes some research and effort to make a sound decision. A practical first step is to check with your friends and acquaintances if they have had a positive experience with a real estate attorney. Their story may help you make up your mind.

If you haven't received a fitting recommendation, you can also look to an attorney referral service. Several referral services specialize in real estate attorneys and carefully screen their list to make sure it is always updated. They can provide you with names of attorneys, their qualifications and experience, which may facilitate your decision. You can also check with the local or state bar association for referrals.

Once you are ready, you should prepare yourself to have a meeting with them face-to-face. Be prepared with questions, and a general overview of your case. The initial meeting will not involve an in-depth discussion of the details of your case, and most attorneys will be willing to answer questions about their services at no cost. If for some reason the attorney is unable to meet directly with you, they may schedule you to meet one of their associates or have a preliminary telephone conversation with you. In any case, the firm may also have questions for you about the circumstances surrounding your case. Eventually, once you decide to retain a firm, they will advise you as to the course of action based on similar cases they have handled in the past, and can quote you a price based on those charges and costs.

Hiring a small firm might be the right choice for you as an individual or for your business, since a small firm can provide you with focused service. Small firms rely heavily on word of mouth, recommendations and referrals, and will work diligently for you to get the best possible results.

Whether you are buying or selling your home, navigating a commercial transaction, or facing a land use problem, you need the right representation. Some states have felt the recent economic decline's effects more than others. One NJ real estate law firm continues to get requests for real estate cases even since the downturn.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/patents-articles/hiring-a-competent-real-estate-attorney-6102739.html
About the Author
The author of this article is associated with Backes & Backes LLC, a NJ based law firm that handles all aspects of real estate transactions and land use matters.

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