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Thursday 11 October 2012

Online teaching tips

Posted by Unknown on 22:04

Online teaching' tips

Author: Erica
Due to the advent of technology in education sector a new mode of teaching i.e. ‘Online Teaching' has emerged up. This mode of education has gained a huge popularity amongst the students around the world as it offers lots of advantages to them over traditional mode of education. In such a scenario companies are also looking forward for online teachers who can serve as online mentors. As the mode has changed in itself the teaching methods must also be innovative and convergent. Hence, teachers must inculcate new techniques in their teaching skills if they want to exploit this scenario, excel in their teaching career and push it a level fast track.
Through this piece of article you would come to know about some new techniques that teachers must adopt for online teaching –
Online teaching' tips1. Become Internet friendly: It is a matter of fact that even though we are living in a digital age, many people still have less knowledge about computers and internet. So the foremost think that a teacher or aspiring teacher must do is to become internet friendly. They must be very efficient in using computers and internet if they want to excel in this competitive scenario. If they don't, somebody else might be doing it and that somebody would outshine others.
2. Stay at the course site: It is very important to establish a strong presence on the course site, failing to which might create chaos. Students' posts on the course site, their comments on the discussion boards etc. must be countered with a genuine response. This makes them feel that somebody is there to guide them throughout their online training. In case it doesn't happen, it might lead to chaos as students indulge in rubbish chats, scribble nonsense over the course site and deteriorate the quality of online education.
3. Facilitate healthy discussions: Discussion rooms are of great help to the students. They chat with not only national but also international students and increase the reach of their thoughts and ideas. An online teacher must facilitate healthy discussions. He/she must direct the discussion well and keep it topic oriented. If this doesn't happen, students chat among themselves off the track and waste hours over there.
4. Respond as quickly as possible: Internet is a field where even seconds matter. People don't wait much and may be that is why the today's young generation is attributed as the impatient generation. To facilitate effective online education environment you must be as quick as possible in replying back to students. Try to use blogs, forums and posts for this matter, so that your response to a query posted by a student helps other students too. Even if you don't know something reply back by saying, "I will revert back to your by tomorrow" or something that assures the students that their messages have been seen and their doubts will be cleared soon.
6. Interact with individual students: To make the experience of online learning much more effective, interact with students individually. This gives them a one-on-one experience. Either talk to them through instant messages or send them e-mails. Tell them about their performances and urge them to ask doubts. This practice is very impactful and hence is very widely used by online mentors.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-education-articles/online-teaching-tips-6051550.html
About the Author
The author is considered as a friendly teacher by the students. I provide language training in private Institutes and I am here to help those who use internet to the max to learn language.

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