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Wednesday 10 October 2012

SEO tips for new clients

Posted by Unknown on 18:50

SEO tips for new clients

Author: roydisouza
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines.Search Engine Optimization work is a natural choice.
seo tips for new user
mostly client wants to know why their SEO campaign isn't delivering more traffic, why their rankings aren't going up, and why they aren't doing better for non-branded keywords.  without a strong website to build an SEO campaign from, the end results aren't going to be as profitable as they could be and on-site SEO is a critical component of a strong website.
If you don't have a good handle on who the people are who are buying your products, how will your SEO consultant help you bring those people to your website? An SEO consultant needs to have a clear picture of who you are because everything we do hinges upon this  from the keyword research to deciding what type of content needs to be written, to how you might want to attack social media marketing.
most clients these days have done at least some rudimentary SEO. While I can usually spot any on-page optimization, it's helpful to hear it from you. Sometimes, the things clients say they've done (e.g., created keyword-rich Title tags) don't actually seem to be done when I look for them. That tells me that your idea of SEO and mine may be quite different, and it's good to know this up front. It's also good to know if you have already been through a string of SEOs and what each of them has done to the site during their tenure.Don't think another company or site is their competitor. Very often, the only reason people think it is that the other site shows up in the search results for the keyword phrase that the client wants to show up for! While that may make them your competitor, it also may not. It may simply mean that you're shooting for the wrong keyword phrases. It's also very helpful to look at competitor sites to see how they're set up and whether they seem to have done much in the way of SEO or not.
You l need to add some other smaller conversion points, such as signing up  or updates, following you on social media, filling out a contact form, calling you, etc. As an SEO you need to know what all of these points are so that you can make sure that the client's web analytics are set up to correctly capture all the conversions, and that the website is properly leading people to complete those conversions
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/seo-articles/seo-tips-for-new-clients-6231184.html
About the Author
Guru Techno World provides Best SEO Services, to get your company targeted traffic, will increase your companys website rankings. Search Engine Optimization means getting top search engine ranking or positioning by doing fine tuning to the webpage or website which involved On-page Optimization and Off-page optimization.

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