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Wednesday 10 October 2012

Tricks and Tips for Optimizing your PSD to Joomla Website

Posted by Unknown on 21:34

Tricks and Tips for Optimizing your PSD to Joomla Website

Author: Mike Swan
Joomla is the second most widely used content management system after Wordpress. The biggest difference between Wordpress and Joomla is that Wordpress is potentially a blogging platform that can be used as a website development platform. On the other hand, Joomla is essentially a true content management system that is used to develop high quality customizable web portals. Most business owners opt for PSD to Joomla conversion for their websites as these websites are cost-effective, reliable, secure, scalable and easy to use.
 Tips and Tricks  for Optimizing your PSD to Joomla Website
Whether you use PSD to Joomla for building enterprise wide solutions or you for developing a small scale website, it is essential to keep all SEO rules in mind. It is very important for your business portal to be search-engine friendly. This is the basic step of promoting your products and services online. Here are a few tricks that can help you make your effective Joomla portal search-engine friendly:
Quality of the Content: Quality of website content is the biggest concern that rules the search engine ranking of your website. Getting backlinks from other websites is an essential aspect of search engine optimization. The more the backlinks, the better will be the ranking of your website. Thus, it is important to provide high quality content on your website, so that readers are attracted and you get more backlinks.
Well-Researched Keywords: It is important to have well-researched keywords on your website. Focus on less searched keywords first, as you will face lesser competition. Make sure that the keywords are optimized as per your services. Also make sure that the keyword density is right. Search-engines target the keywords used in the website content to determine the page rank, so having rightly optimized keywords is very essential.
In-site Links for Proper Navigation: Having links navigation links within your website not only facilitates the ease of navigation, it also increases the popularity of your website as visitors find it easy to go from one page to the other. The more popular your website is, the more will be its page ranking on Google and other search-engines.
Article Title: If you are publishing certain articles on your website, it is very important to consider the titles that you assign to these articles. Make sure you write about the most talked about things and choose topics that are trending on search engines. This will attract more traffic and subsequently improve your websites ranking on search engines.
Right use of Error Pages: Sometimes due to certain lack in backend coding some links in your website are broken or not working, so you display "page not found" or "error 404" on these pages. These pages are practically of no use and form a bad reputation about your PSD to Joomla website. You can, however, use these error pages fruitfully by using them to display links to other pages on your website. This way you can redirect traffic to your website and improve your rankings.
Keeping in mind these essential tricks will ensure that your PSD to Joomla conversion website is search-engine friendly and gets a higher page ranking on all major search engines.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ecommerce-articles/tricks-and-tips-for-optimizing-your-psd-to-joomla-website-6227226.html
About the Author
Give your website an appealing look with PSD to Joomla conversion, and maximize the profits by adding new features in the website. Hire experts at markupcloud.com for 100% handcoded, cross browser compatible and SEO friendly websites.Offering PSD to HTML, XHTML, Wordpress and PSD to Drupal conversion services at best prices

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Vivek on 17 October 2012 at 13:28 said...

PSD to joomla is not easy because I had tried once so was lost my data but I would like to say thanks to your for this article.

Joomla Development India

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