Bk7nh2QefqCFPaaGEbm7yQUogfY How to Locate Claimants of Structured Settlements tips and guide | allabout4you

Monday, 11 June 2012

How to Locate Claimants of Structured Settlements tips and guide

Posted by Unknown on 19:46

 Claimants of Structured Settlements tips and guide

Structured settlements are financial agreements to pay to the holder of the agreement a sum of money over a given time or on a certain date in the future. These structured settlements arise out of litigation with insurance companies, from the sales of businesses, family inheritance and even lottery winnings. Savvy investors can locate the holders of these settlement agreements, offer the holder a one-time lump payment, and profit handsomely when the agreement comes due. Finding a structured settlement holder is the first step toward purchasing his settlement.



Check newspapers for news stories in the business section detailing business sales, insurance court case settlements, and other big ticket purchases and sales. Record the names of the parties involved and have your attorney contact them to initiate purchase negotiations.


Notify those whom you know in the legal and business worlds that you are seeking to invest in structured settlements. Talk with family and other friends and associates and let them know you are interested in buying settlements. Give them the phone number you prefer to be called at. Offer them a finder's fee if they find a legitimate investment that you actually close on.


Examine public records at the county clerk's office to find the most recent settlements entered into by insurance companies and their clients through court settlements. Talk with those you know in the insurance business and find out from them which branch of their respective companies handles which aspect of the company's business.

Tips & Warnings

Locate structured settlement companies whose main focus is locating holders of structured settlements and arranging deals with investors. Ask about their fee structure and negotiate fees with them, if they have something in which you are interested. In the investing business, everything is negotiable.

Hire a settlement broker, but be careful in choosing one. Ask for references and about recent

successes. Find out how long she has been in the business, what professional associations she belongs to and whether she is a member of the National Structured Settlement Trade Association, the organization that works with hundreds of insurance companies and oversees these transactions. Ask NSSTA to direct you to those in your area who is registered with it.

Be cautious about the settlement companies you do business with. Verify their financial stability and strength before buying from them.

Let your attorney and investment adviser guide you in this potentially dangerous investment venue. Never act as your own attorney when investing in structured settlements.

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