Bk7nh2QefqCFPaaGEbm7yQUogfY 10 DUI Tips from a DUI Attorney | allabout4you

Friday, 6 July 2012

10 DUI Tips from a DUI Attorney

Posted by Unknown on 22:58

10 DUI Tips from a DUI Attorney

Things to DO if You are Stopped for a DUI in Arizona:
1. Do: Pull over immediately and wait for the officer to approach. Do not get out of your car. Stay seated calmly and be sure to keep your seat belt on, until the officer requests otherwise.
2. Do; Remain calm. Think, act and speak carefully. If the officer asks you why if you know why he stopped you, politely and simply say "no". .
3. Do: Provide license, registration, and proof of insurance. Note, from the second the officer approaches your auto, he/she will be evaluating your communications and actions, to look for signs of impairment. Know in advance exactly where your license and registration documents are, so that you do not nervously fumble for them. Remember they are looking for signs of impairment.
4. Do: Be as polite and courteous to the police officer as possible.
5. Do: Select your words and actions carefully. Don't get into an argument and try to maintain your composure. Anything you say or do can be held against you. Everything that happens at that stop including your words will be documented by the officer in the police report and used as evidence against you.
6. Do: If arrested, ask to speak with an attorney, if you do not have an attorney ask for a telephone book to attempt to reach a criminal DUI lawyer.
7. Do: Think carefully before refusing a breath, blood, or urine test. If you refuse, you will lose your driver's license for 1 year, rather than 30 days suspension followed by a 60 day restricted license. If you refuse the police will get a telephonic search warrant and take your blood by force. So the police will get the tests they want, one way or the other. Refusal of the tests simply buys you one year's loss of your driver's license.
8. Do: Ask for a second sample of blood or urine to be taken and preserved for you so that your Arizona Defense Attorney can have an independent defense retest on your behalf. You have the right to request it, and the right to obtain it.
9. Do: Request to be released for an independent blood test.
10.Do: Call an experienced Arizona DUI defense attorney for a free consultation about your phoenix drunk driving case as soon as possible.

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