How to get your blog visitors
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Evry Blogger admin want to get visitors for increase there revenew today i'm posting another great post for you .
This is not an easy task and most blogs will never reach this audience, keep that in mind.
Here are my tips on how to attract your initial group of visitors so that you’re not just talking to yourself and set yourself on the way to get more unique visitors per day.
The tips are split in on-site things you can do on your blog vs off-site things you can do outside the blog
On-site blog traffic tips
Domain name
Keyword rich and targeted domain name has proven to me to work better than a random domain name or no domain name at all.
If you are serious about getting some visitors from search engines, think of keyword phrases people will type into Google to find what you write about before buying your domain name.
If you are serious about getting some visitors from search engines, think of keyword phrases people will type into Google to find what you write about before buying your domain name.
Quality content most importent
Most of my search traffic comes from phrases like “how to make a blog
Regularly produce valuable content that your target audience wants. Be it entertaining, be it educational, be it text-based, be it videos – whatever makes your audience tick (i.e. makes them read it, engage with it, share it
One quality blog post will mean so much more for your traffic than several unoriginal, reporting blog posts.
For me personally guide on how to install WordPress or design tips on how to make your blog look unique work very well.
Share buttons
Allow your existing visitors to help you out and spread the word for you.
Include Twitter button, Facebook “Like” button or any other “share” button that is relevant to your audience on each of your blog posts.
Don’t just put 20 random share buttons on the bottom of each of your posts, be selective and think where your target audience is.
I focus on Twitter mostly, but have recently started experimenting more with Facebook and Google+.
Retain first time visitors
Have prominent subscription options as you want to retain a good percentage of your first time visitors.
This is easiest if they bookmark your blog or subscribe to it in any possible way: email, RSS, Facebook page, Twitter stream.
Consider giving them an incentive to subscribe on top of the quality content. Free ebook or a podcast are some of the incentive options.
Off-site blog traffic tips
Actively spread the word
Writing quality articles is not enough as visitors do not come automatically.
Go where your audience is and actively spread the word about your work.
Don’t spam but do push your blog indirectly by helping people out, solving their issues and being part of a wider community discussion.
Twitter search
A tactic I have used very successfully in the early days of my blog was to search Twitter for relevant keywords and phrases.
I used to search for phrases like “start a blog” or “install WordPress” and then interact with all the real people that used those phrases.
I used to spend hours on this daily as it is a great way of getting visitors and spreading the word about yourself.
Use bigger competitors
Commenting on relevant and high traffic blog posts is another tactics I had success with.
Make sure the post you comment on is relevant to what you do, make sure the post has / will have a lot of visitors and try to be one of the early / top commentators.
Another option is to write guest posts on popular blogs. Many bloggers accept blog posts so it is a nice way to get a good link that will be useful for your search engine rankings.
Join Stumbleupon
I joined Stumbleupon early on and got my first traffic spikes thanks to it so I recommend this option.
Join it, use it by recommending articles you read and get in touch with other users who “like” relevant content to those you write yourself.
When you have several contacts there, ping them and let them know about the latest post you have written that they may find interesting.
now touch and go to more unique blog visitors daily
Remember that writing quality articles is just a part of your blogging job, promoting your work is just an important aspect of having a successful blog.
A good measurement is to spend half of your time writing and the other half of your blogging time promoting your articles.
It is a touc and go process so getting a new regular visitor or two everyday will become a good number 2-3-6 months down the line and will get you to the goal of more unique visitors a day.
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