5 Killer Tips To Sell Structured Settlements With Good Profits
Author: Juhani Tontti5 Killer Tips To Sell Structured Settlements With Good Profits |
1. The Benefit Of The Settlements.
The general benefit, which the settlements offer is an economic security. The payments come during the good and bad times and the recipient knows exactly, what his financial future in this respect will be. They are ideal for the economically uncompetent people and to the minors, for example.
2. The Seller Is Often An Insurance Company.
Actually, if the court decides, that somebody has to pay a lump sum plus some regular periodic payments to the recipient, it is an insurance company which executes the payments. This is a secure solution, especially thinking about the aftermarket, where the programs are sold. The periodic payments are more profitable to the insurance companies, because they can hold the money longer and to invest it before they have to pay.
3. Why To Sell?
Two reasons popped into my mind. The need of the cash money is of course a natural reason. But a recipient can also think, that he can get a better profit from some other investment instrument. The latter reason may be difficult to get through in the court. However, the original target of the settlement is to help a person, who has a need for a periodic and secure income. The recipient must be able to prove, that his needs have been changed and it is better to sell the program.
4. Sell To A Customer, Who Has A Special Situation.
There are buyers, who are waiting for the situations to buy structured settlements. These persons see the settlements as a special products, which fulfil their financial needs. This target group is ideal to you. Ask from your broker, whether he has these kind of investors waiting.
5. How To Get The Best Price?
After the court has accepted the sale plan, you must create a plan to get the maximum price out of the settlement. What it requires is, that you make the buyers to fight for your plan. Ask at least ten quotes. This is important, because different bidders will see the economic future differently. You can also lead the way, how the candidates think about the future. Paint a picture about a secure economic payments, which come, whatever the economic situation is.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-business-articles/5-killer-tips-to-sell-structured-settlements-with-good-profits-4776144.html
About the Author
Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. When You Will Sell Structured Settlements It Is Important To Find An Investor, Who Will Buy Structured Settlements And Sees The Future Good For Them. Visit: Sell Structured Insurance Settlements
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I need to sell a structured settlement, so this post is perfect. I feel better prepared to sell, and I know how to go about it now. Thank you for the information.
@Joan Price
Thanks alot for reading
Thanks for the selling structured settlements blog. I really appreciate the information.
One more benefit of these settlements especially for seniors and their adult children, is that there is added security in receiving smaller amounts of cash over time.
Thanks for being a part of reader of this blog
Great post. My friend Lisa had an accident not to long ago and I have been helping her look up information like different structured settlement companies and how to sell your structured settlement. This is great information, I will have to send this to her. Thanks so much for sharing.