Appear in GMC exam to work as a medical professional in UK
Author: Anry JeniThere are certain requirements a doctor should consider before they apply to work as a medical professional in the UK. These diverge from country to country and the below information refer mainly to those making applications belong to a country outside UK.
For practicing medicine in the UK, you have to pass GMC exam along with fulfil the following criterions:
- You belong to a country outside UK or have graduated from a medical college that is not in UK.
- You are a national of United Kingdom but graduated from medical college outside UK, Switzerland or European Economic Area (EEA).
- Is not a holder of approved postgraduate qualification
- Not a specialist or trained GP.
GMC Registration:
You have to have registration with the GMC exam. Registration with the GMC exam is generally obtained through sitting the PLAB exam.
PLAB Exam:
PLAB courses in London occupies a significant requirement for doctors who intend to practice in UK, being a resident of any other country. PLAB means the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board Test. The PLAB exam is relevant for international medical graduates. It is one of the ways in which an individual can persuade the General Medical Council (GMC) that they have the knowledge and skills which are necessary to practise as a medical professional in the UK. Moreover, the General Medical Council is to consider using the GMC exam should it choose to introduce a national exam for medical students or foundation doctors.
The PLAB exam is designed to test one's ability to work safely in a first appointment as a senior house officer in a UK hospital in the National Health Service (NHS).
The PLAB exam is in two parts:
- PLAB part 1 is a computer-marked written examination consisting of extended matching questions (EMQs) and single best answer (SBA) questions. You can have an unlimited number of attempts but you must pass PLAB part 1 within two years of the date of your IELTS certificate.
- PLAB part 2 is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) which must be taken in the United Kingdom. You must pass PLAB part 2 within three years of passing PLAB part 1. You can have four attempts at PLAB part 2. You must be granted registration within three years of passing PLAB part 2 of the test.
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About the Author
Anry Jeni is an experienced writer, who has exposure in medical writing. She has started to share her knowledge on PLAB test through her articles. If you want to know more on PLAB 1 course in London and PLAB 2 Course in London then read her articles.
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