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Monday 3 December 2012

How To Power Leveling Archaeology In Mists of Pandaria

Posted by Unknown on 10:49

How To Power Leveling Archaeology In Mists of Pandaria ?

Author: LICHAO

Archaeology is a secondary profession that all WoW characters can pick up. It's a fun way to learn about bits and pieces of Azeroth's lore, and it's also a great way to pick up unique pets, mounts, wow gold, and heirloom gear that you can mail to your other toons. While it's going to take you awhile to reach the skill cap no matter what, there are a few ways you can speed up the process of leveling archaeology.How to power leveling archaeology in Mists of Pandaria ? Here are seven great tips for power leveling archaeology in World of Warcraft!
The majority of the new talent system feedback has been positive.
Blizzard considered making this new talent system during Cataclysm, but decided against such a big change and gave the old system one more chance.Buy wow gold, cheap wow gold, world of warcraft gold. We are professional wow gold store online. Averange Experience Gained In Pandaria Dungeons
The old talent system was difficult to learn and easy to master, which was a poor design.
The Theramore Scenario is the pre Mists of Pandaria event. It was a tradeoff between making a sea battle event that would be played for two weeks or spending that time on expansion features that will last a year or two.
Grinding faction reputation to access the Valor Points gear is not mandatory, as you can find equivalents through raiding, PvP, or crafting.
The Golden Lotus prerequisite for daily quests from other factions is going to stay like it is now, as the devs are pleased with how it works.
The first patch will bring new quest hubs and new dailies which deal with the conflict between the Horde and Alliance.
Valor upgrades will be in Patch 5.1, because players will upgrade gear much faster in Patch 5.0. You will spend Valor Points and be able to upgrade your item level twice per item. This system may replace buying Valor Point items in a future patch. If future patches still offer Valor Point items, they will be to help alts catch up enough to be able to play the current end game.Buy wow gold in all servers. Buy wow gold with 100% lowest price. Wow gold delivered within 5-15 mins. Enjoy so cool trading here!
Future patches might bring larger scenarios with up to 25 people. These would need to be much larger and more epic, with the players working together in smaller groups.
Tip 1. Look At Your Minimap
You can now track dig site boundaries on your mini-map. Upon the release of Cataclysm this feature was not yet available, and it is definitely a boon for leveling archaeology. Always keep your dig site tracking on, and you won't have to fiddle with the map constantly.
Tip 2. Use Your Hot Keys
Throughout your journeys, you'll be performing mostly two actions – mounting up Mists of Pandaria gold, and surveying. By binding these actions to "1" and "2" on your secondary action bar, you can shave off a few seconds of time spent at each dig site.
Tip 3. Keystones Are Win
If you have some gold to spend, pick up keystones on the auction house to help you complete artifacts faster. Each keystone counts as 12 artifact fragments. Always be on the lookout for cheap keystones on the AH while you're leveling archaeology!
Tip 4. Know Your Teleports
Set your hearthstone to Dalaran, and don't forget about all of the portals available in your home city. You have easy access to Outland via the Dark Portal which you can teleport to. Need to get to Kalimdor? Visit the Earthshrine and teleport to Hyjal or Uldum, or take the Caverns of Time portal in Dalaran. To reach the Eastern Kingdoms, take the portal to the Twilight Highlands from the Earthshrine, or head to the Dark Portal.  LC20121128TZ
With the above four tips, you'll be easily power leveling archaeology in Mists of Pandaria easily and make the most of world of warcraft gold. If you'd like to know more about the details, you can refer to http://www.bookwowgold.com to find something more worthful.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/computer-games-articles/how-to-power-leveling-archaeology-in-mists-of-pandaria-6325606.html
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