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Friday, 21 September 2012

How to Care for Your Bed

Posted by Unknown on 22:29

How to Care for Your Bed

Your bed is essential for getting a restful night's sleep, so it only makes sense that it's kept in tiptop condition at all times. The first thing that anybody should be doing is following the instructions provided by the manufacturer as they are there to make sure that the bed is going to stay comfortable for the longest amount of time possible. Whoever the manufacturer is or, whatever the style of bed, there are some general ways of looking after it. 

Let the Bed Breathe

Even on cold nights people are sweating. Sweat might be something that isn't noticeable in the morning, but it's there. That's why it's a good idea to let the bed breathe by pulling back the sheets in the morning and letting the moisture from the body evaporate. It will prevent the bed from smelling and will avoid any unpleasant stains or allergies from appearing later on.

Keep the Mattress Flat

Mattresses are often damaged beyond repair when they are folded up or stored in confined spaces. It's essential for the mattress to be kept in its most natural form or it will begin to sag in places. Once the mattress sags, the body isn't well-supported and it can cause all sorts of ailments and aggravate existing conditions such as back pain. 


Take off any polythene wrappings that come with the mattress itself. Many people have the belief that keeping the wrappings on will actually prevent stains and will improve hygiene. The opposite is actually true. Mildew and mould can build up under the polythene/plastic as it's a confined space that absorbs moisture. Since the moisture isn't being allowed to air, the mattress is going to suffer.

Never Accept Second-Hand

Health hazards will often arise as a result of a second-hand mattress. Think of it like this. If it wasn't good enough for somebody else then it's not going to be good enough for the person accepting it. The only time when receiving a mattress from somebody else is acceptable is if it's still in its original wrapping.

Handle With Care

Sitting on the side of a mattress or bouncing on top of it is a prime method of making sure that it wears out quicker than intended. Keeping kids from jumping on it can make the bed last longer and can save a lot of money in the future.


Washing the mattress itself is not recommended unless a specific stain absolutely has to be removed. The proper way to clean a mattress is to dab at the area with a well wrung out cloth using a mild detergent and warm water. Never soak it or drench it in industrial-strength cleaners as this is a sure-fire way to damage and destroy the fabric. Always ensure the cleaned area is fully dry before putting the bed linen back on.


Mattresses have been known to cause allergic reactions and rashes as the skin becomes irritated due to the amounts of hair and fluff that builds up and also the presence of micro organisms such as dust mites. Don't make the mistake of assuming that just because there are sheets over the fabric itself that there is a barrier between the mattress and the body. It is important to vacuum the mattress periodically. 

A word of caution on vacuuming, though, as doing it incorrectly can actually cause irreparable damage to the mattress. Keep the cleaner on a low setting and go over it carefully to avoid dislodging any tufts or sucking out any of the filling.

Out With the Old…

If these tips haven't worked then it could be the case that the mattress has already been damaged in such a way that it can't be repaired. Consider purchasing a new mattress as proper care begins from the very first sleep. 

Wayne Green is a passionate writer and has personal experience in improving sleep quality. He has published several articles related to sleep on the internet. Now, he's running a website telling people how to <a href="http://www.buymattress-online.com/http://www.buymattress-online.com/">buy mattress online</a>.

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