Bk7nh2QefqCFPaaGEbm7yQUogfY Night Time Driving Hazards | allabout4you

Friday, 21 September 2012

Night Time Driving Hazards

Posted by Unknown on 12:13

Night Time Driving Hazards

: http://bestaccident-attorneys.com/
Night Time Driving Hazards
Driving at night can be dangerous since there are many different unforeseen incidents that may emerge. Many drivers are used to driving during day time—when the sun is bright and cars and pedestrians are visible. Once the sun sets, however, the chances of car accidents increases since drivers are not as careful or not as vigilant.

In order to be aware of these driving dangers, here are some night time driving hazards:

● Bad visibility.

 Often times drivers admit to having poor visibility at night. Fewer things can be seen once the sun goes down and drivers are very dependent on light for clearer vision. One way to avoid hitting vehicles at night is to turn on your headlights one hour before the sun sets. This way, you will not forget to turn on the headlights and oncoming cars will be able to see you as well.

● Tired drivers.

 Driving at night can bring about many sleepy and tired drivers. Not having much light can also make travelers drowsier which in turn makes them less attentive out in the road. If you are driving at night, make sure you switch shifts with another driver. If you are a lone driver, use rest stops or pull over if you catch yourself drifting off. Do not take the chance of driving while you are drowsy since your chances of getting into a car accident may increase.

● Intoxicated drivers

 Believe it or not, while DUI driving is illegal, many people still partake in this hazardous behavior. During night time, the number of DUI drivers increase as more people are prone to binge drinking at night time. Even if you are being a careful driver, others are not. Be careful and wary of any suspicious driving—weaving, slow driving, or fast driving—and do not be afraid to call the cops if the driver is posing as a threat to safety to other drivers and passengers.
Night time driving can prove to be dangerous if you are not aware of the dangers lurking in the roads. Always stay attentive out in the road and be a defensive driver lest there be negligent individuals out in the road.
Author Bio: Katrina Sanga is a content writer for The Accident Attorneys’Group.
URL: http://bestaccident-attorneys.com

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