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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Strong Tips to Increase Blog Traffic Fast

Posted by Unknown on 22:43

Strong Tips to Increase Blog Traffic Fast

Every one needs traffic to their blog whether you are blogging for fun or for money. Most of the Newbie’s write good content but they don’t the traffic and most of them get disappointed. They always think that they can only generate traffic to their blog from search engines by doing some SEO, but this is completely wrong. There are many different ways to increase your blog traffic. Here we are listing some free and unique ways to increase your blog traffic.
But who are these people that are so keen to read your articles and help spread them to a wider audience? They are the content curators and news aggregators whose raison d’ĂȘtre is to be a “thought leader”. They derive authority by making the best content on the net easy to access. They are the gate keepers and people look to them for suggestions and recommendations. They are also members of passionate communities who may only rarely actually use a search engine to look for great content – though if it’s placed right in front of them they’ll lap it up and ask for more.

 1#  A  Unique and a great content is the first main way to get good readers for your blog. Now a day’s competition is very high in this field so you need to provide unique content to attract more readers. Understand the readers and build a relation with them. Here another most important thing is Title. Yes you need to create an awesome title for your blog post. You need to post regularly in your blog with latest updates in which the first time visitor must be a regular reader of your blog. The Final Tip is “Write for the Users not for the Search Engines.

2# Participate in guest blogging - guest blogging means writing articles/producing content for other established blogs in your niche or allowing skilled bloggers to produce content for your blog. Your content on someone else's blog helps
Participate in forum marketing - participating in forums that are within your niche are a great way to learn and showcase your experience and knowledge. Many forums also allow you to place a hyperlink (make it point back to your blog) in your signature.

3# You have to spend money on your blog. At least on a domain name and a decent logo and preferably on a unique blog design.
The more you invest in your blog the more you should get out of it although don’t invest too much to begin with until you’re really sure of your topic and your goals. For a new business $3,000 should be enough to help you set up a good blog which will stand the test of time and provide a good return on your investment.

4# If you haven’t already developed a free product you can give away to your readers now’s the time. It doesn’t need to be big, new or costly. You can create a simple ebook based on some of your most popular posts or a short email course with the information your readers need most.
If you need ideas or motivation to get you moving head over to Personal Development Free and check out the fantastic free products. I hope you’re as inspired by Diggy’s attitude to blogging, business and life as much as I am.

5# optimizing your blog posts at minimum in 3 basic steps is this: 
  •  Use the http://adwords.google.com/ tool for keyword research
  • Find a low competitive keyword to target
  •  Write good content: make sure to put the keyword once in the title, once in the first paragraph, once in the middle, and one time in the last paragraph.
You don’t have to stuff your posts with a bunch of keywords because for one, it will annoy the readers and two, it brings down the quality of your content, so therefore, your readers will not want to continue to come back and read more.AND Use Nice Graphics And Photos
I had a guy send me a message on LinkedIn the other day and since he seen some of my content, he asked for advice on “how to increase blog traffic”. And after taking a look at his site, he had no images in none of his posts and the content was pretty vague. You see, nowadays people are more visual than anything. Pictures tell stories and we would rather see colors and images moreso than a lot of words. That could be pretty boring. So incorporate colorful, funny and friendly images that people could relate to in your posts. You can also put up images to portray what you’re explaining in your content.

6# There are so many social sharing plugins available on BLOGGER. Currently, I am using AddToAny Plugin on my blog. Your blog readers will never share the blog posts on social networks if you don’t add social sharing buttons on your blog. Social sharing buttons improve blog traffic and they can even increase your blog’s search ranking. 

7# Paid keywords, such as Google Adwords, have proven themselves to be cost effective methods for driving targeted traffic to your site. Although cost can be prohibitive for many niches, providing you know your conversion rates and are constantly testing and tweaking, adwords is a way to drive instant targeted traffic to your site.
Not everything you do has to stay online. Promoting your site offline though business cards and networking can help drive traffic to your blog.

8# Every time you meet someone who you feel could benefit from your content then let them know that you blog and direct them there. If something comes up in a conversation that you have covered on your blog, say , “I wrote a blog about that you should check it out” or after the event drop that person an email.
“We were talking about offline marketing efforts during the networking event and I thought I would share a blog I wrote discussing the exact same issue. Once you have read it leave me a comment at the bottom to let me know your thoughts”
The more people that know about your blog the more likely other people are to find and share it and at the same time you establish yourself as a thought leader.
Earning with a blog on regular basis requires you to work hard consistently too. Its not a matter of a day or a week, in fact, you need to work harder and harder each day to build a strong readership, so much so that your readers start relying on you as an authentic source.
That was all for now, really hope that these tips would do magic for you as they did for Us.

If you find this article useful, please feel free to link to this page from your website or blog.

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