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Sunday, 4 November 2012

Tips for Register a Domain Name and Sell It Quickly for Profit

Posted by Unknown on 21:56

How to Register a Domain Name and Sell It Quickly for Profit

Author: Edward Aigbokhae
This article discusses how to register a domain name and sell it quickly for profit on the internet. The cheapest way to start an online business is to buy and sell domain names and I will offer you some tips here. You can start domain flipping business with as little as $20 and still be profitable.
First, a domain name is registered for one year or up to ten years for you to claim ownership of it within the rental period. If you register a domain name for one year, it means that you have to renew your right to use it in the subsequent year on or before the first anniversary of your first registration. In other words, you are paying annual rental fee for the use of the VRE (virtual real estate) as it is called.
Because it is easier to find a website using keywords, it will surprise you to know that webmasters who want a specific combination of keywords as a domain will be willing to buy one from you if you have it. As you may be aware, ownership of VRE is based on first come first served basis during registration except when someone else or company is able to prove trademark infringement.
Now, if you register a domain name in the weight loss market for $12 and someone or company wants that specific name, you will be amazed how much profits you will make from $12 investment. You can sell for $200, $500, or as much as $1,000 for investing only $12 to register and own it in the first instance.
The business of buying and selling domain names is simply called domain flipping. This is what I suggest you should do. Learn and master the broad markets where lots of investors and webmasters are scouting to build websites. You can think of the finance, technology, telecommunications, and health markets as examples.
Next, research the market to find out the search terms that online surfers are using to look for information. Use these search terms as ideas to creatively come up with unique and brand names to register. If it is available for registration, you can register search term as an EMD (exact match domain) which is a good way to invest in domains for sale.
There are no hard and fast rules in domain flipping business. What is important is to register a keyword phrase that a buyer needs for starting an online business. That is why you have to read up on the characteristics of a good domain name so that you don't register junk VREs.
In conclusion, how to register a domain name and sell it quickly for profit is all about owning a keyword rich domain that is branded and marketable and a buyer needs it at all costs.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/domain-names-articles/how-to-register-a-domain-name-and-sell-it-quickly-for-profit-5582522.html
About the Author
You can start home based business today with consistent and guaranteed success, sales and profits by taking advantage of our free internet marketing training and domain flipping guide.

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